Friday 26 May



Come and enjoy the afternoon sunshine over a chilled bottle of Whispering Angel Rose, a cold beer or selection of bespoke home-made garden cocktails, or wrap yourself up with one of our blankets and settle in with a bottle of red in front of one of our fire pits. You’ll enjoy a sharing plank of seasonal starters, followed by a main course straight from the BBQ and rounded off with a seasonal dessert.

Friday 26 May 

Fridays are the new… err, Fridays don’t you know – and we’re continuing the tradition in our Cloister Garden set with festoons, heated parasols and a newly-planted garden. We’ll be hosting a weekly BBQ most Fridays throughout the summer. Come and enjoy the afternoon sunshine over a chilled bottle of Whispering Angel Rose, a cold beer or selection of bespoke home-made garden cocktails, or wrap yourself up with one of our blankets and settle in with a bottle of red in front of one of our fire pits.

You’ll enjoy a sharing plank of seasonal starters, followed by a main course straight from the BBQ and rounded off with a seasonal dessert.

WHERE: Blackfriars Cloister Garden


COSTS: £25 including 3-courses. Places are only confirmed once paid in full and are non-refundable or transferable.

DIETARY REQUIREMENTS: Please let us know if you have any dietary requirements, conditions we should know about or any other specific requests.

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